Chief Operating Officer
Main competencies
- Building relationships and customer service
- Pro-customer communication
- Creating and implementing a strategy
- HR management
- Office Management
- Negotiating contracts
Professional background – summary
Marlena, in consultation with the Managing Partner, supervises the company’s current activities and is responsible for creating and implementing a strategy aimed at maximizing financial profits and increasing CCM’s competitive advantage.
Thanks to highly developed interpersonal skills, she effectively acquires the best specialists from the market, thus increasing the potential and development of the entire CCM Team.
Marlena effectively builds the brand’s image in social media and is also responsible for effective pro-customer communication.
Marlena w porozumieniu z Partnerem Zarządzającym nadzoruje bieżące działania firmy i jest odpowiedzialna za tworzenie oraz realizację strategii, zmierzającej do maksymalizacji zysków finansowych oraz zwiększania przewagi konkurencyjnej CCM.